5-Things-Everyone-Should-Know-About-Hiking-with-Dogs Julius-K9 LLC

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Hiking with Dogs

5 Things Everyone Should Know About Hiking with Dogs


Dogs love to go on walks with their owners. Exercise gives them a long and healthy life while strengthening the bond between pet and owner. Hiking with your dog has many benefits including, improving sleep, increasing physical fitness, better mental health, and you both have a fun time together.

1. Know your limits

You may be in a physical state where you could hike from dawn till dusk but there are factors that influence how long your dog can walk. That includes your dog’s breed, weight, and age; if you are unsure then your veterinarian can help you. While you are hiking with your four-legged friend make sure to take frequent breaks so your dog can rest a bit. They will be running and moving more than we are in areas where it is allowed to let your dog free so keep that in consideration when you are calculating the distance that is comfortable for your dog.

2. Safety essentials

To have a safe trip you will need to bring a couple of things with you like extra water, poop bags, and treats. Make sure that your dog has an ID tag and in the warmer months, tick and flea repellant.

For extended nature walks, we recommend using our IDC®Longwalk Y-Harness, which is a convenient and healthy gear for your dog.

3. Keep them on a leash and stay on the trail

Even if your dog is trained keeping them on a leash is important because you can handle unpredictable situations easier and protect your dog from hidden hazards such as wild animals and animal traps. Stay on the trail and keeping them on a leash ensures their safety. Use a longer leash like our Premium Jogging Set with a 4.2 ft leash, which specifically developed for adventurous hikes.

4. Obedience training

It is wonderful that more people are going outside with their dogs to connect with nature but if your dog is behaving badly then it can cause a bad experience to others.

Obedience training can come in handy when you have to keep your dog calm while other people and dogs are passing by. Plus, it promotes a positive PR.

5. Trail Etiquette

As a hiker and dog owner, you are responsible for your and your dog’s actions, by following trail etiquette it can ensure smooth encounters while hiking. Here are some that you should follow:

· Choose a dog-friendly hiking trail

· Clean up your dog’s waste

· Follow leash rules

· Always ask permission before approaching another dog

· Advocate for your dog- Protect your dog from people and other dogs who are wanting to “say hi” if it makes them uncomfortable. Make sure that both of you have a positive experience!