5-Tips-for-Keeping-Your-Pet-Safe-During-Spring Julius-K9 LLC

5 Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe During Spring

5 Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe During Spring

Spring is finally here which means blooming flowers, warmer weather, and more time to spend outside enjoying the rays of sunshine. There are a couple of things that you need to keep in mind this season to be a responsible dog owner.

1. Prevent ticks and fleas

A dog’s warm body is a paradise for ticks and fleas that start to feed on your pet’s blood causing them health problems. Keeping them away from these parasites is extremely important either by purchasing tick and flea repellent collar, spot-on, or shampoo. If you have more than one dog, treat them at the same time because it will help prevent cross infestation. But remember that these products don’t protect your pet 100% so always check your dog after a walk!

2. Dangerous plants

Daffodils are beautiful white and yellow flowers when they bloom but they are poisonous to dogs if it is consumed. It can cause your dog to have an upset stomach or make them vomit. Tulips and Hyacinth bulbs can also irritate their mouth and esophagus causing vomiting or even diarrhea. So keep your plants up high in the house where your pet can’t reach them. If you have a garden in your backyard filled with blooming flowers or bulbs, put a fence around them so your dog won’t get to them.

3. Allergies

Dogs can have allergies too! Pets can also be allergic to plants and pollens, symptoms can include itchiness, constant licking, or runny eyes. If you feel that your dog may have springtime allergies take them to your veterinarian to get tested.

4. Seatbelt for your dog

Our StopDog mobility control car tether can come in handy when you’re traveling with your dog. It is a “seatbelt” for your dog that is connected to the buckle and the harness, this way your dog won’t disturb you while you’re driving.

5. Keep them protected from the sun

Even though it’s not summer yet, we still have to keep our dogs safe from the sun.

Some breeds with thin or pale-colored coats can be sensitive to rays of sunshine so it’s best to ask your veterinarian if you should start putting dog-friendly sunscreen on them or other types of protection. Sun damage can lead to infections or skin cancer. If you keep your dog outside make sure they have fresh water and a place where there is shade!