Essential Accessories Every Dog Needs
You’re a newer pup parent? Congratulations! How does it feel? It’s fairly normal to feel a wide range of emotions when you become a dog owner. This is an exciting and astounding time, a time to think hard on how to best care for your dog. But how do you even know with certainty what your dog needs, now and in the future? Dog accessories can be enjoyable and valuable items to have on hand—but one look at their puppy eyes will have you breaking the bank pretty hard.
When you take a quick run to the store for the beginning essentials, or even as time goes on, you may feel overwhelmed by the range of options available to you—or get overexcited and purchase more than necessary. Here’s a general list of essential accessories every dog needs so you can have confidence you’ve gathered everything your dog needs for life.
ID Tags and Trackers
One of the most fundamental dog accessories is an ID for your dog—place this at the very top of the shopping list. While dogs don’t need driver’s licenses or social security numbers for identification purposes like their human counterparts, they need a basic method to be recognizable beyond a mere name.
One of the first things you should undertake is to get your dog a tracker or an ID tag for their collar. Trackers are scannable, implant chips for retrieving an owner’s information. If your dog doesn’t already have a microchip, talk to your vet to find out more on how to get one. Such an accessory is crucial in case of an emergency or if your dog wanders off. Instead of losing your dog forever, the implanted chip will provide your information to whoever finds them so they can return to their fur-ever home.
Besides a chip or GPS tracker, your dog needs an ID tag to be attached to his or her collar. This tag can be a simple metal tag with their name and address engraved on it. A majority of pet stores are able to create this tag for you in mere minutes—or you can get more unique options online. Varying colors and designs are available for your selection if you want to add some personality to your furry friend’s tag.
A Collar and/or Harness
A collar or harness is the next essential item to obtain for your pet pooch. A collar is an instant notification to others that your dog isn’t a stray and has an owner and home. Depending on your dog’s breed, size, and preference, a harness in addition to a collar can be the best option to attach a leash to for daily walks.
Some smaller breeds require a harness for safety and health reasons. Larger dogs that yank on their leash are better to walk harnessed for stability and control training. Research what may be best for your dog, consult your veterinarian, and then shop around for a collar and/or harness that’s most suitable. Consider your dog’s size, natural energy level, and experience on a leash. Time, patience, and practice may be necessary to find the perfect harness for both your needs.
Collars and harnesses are constructed in diverse materials and styles. Look at which material you’d prefer for your dog’s security and comfort. Nylon or leather is your best bet for long-run dependability and durability. Keep in mind the accessory will need occasional to frequent cleaning and you may need to have multiple on hand as a back-up.
A Sturdy Leash
One of the top essential accessories every dog needs is the versatile leash. A leash completes the overall set-up of dog handling and control for daily walks. Similar to a collar or harness, a variety of leash options are available for purchase based on your specific needs. When you’re in the market for one, the infinite types to select from can be mind-boggling. The top concern to keep in mind is the best leashes will keep your dog safe as well as provide an opportunity to look great and stylish.
When weighing options to choose a leash, consider your dog’s personality and your lifestyle. While that may be difficult right away when you’re still learning about your dog, you can always have an extra leash if the first option doesn’t work out. A shorter leash is best for dogs training on how to walk on a leash. In the future, you can utilize a longer lead. Have a spare on hand, as well—think of it in the same way humans keep spare jackets on hand. You never know when you’ll need an extra, but you’ll certainly be glad to have it when you do.
A Warm Bed
With the assumption your dog won’t be making his bed on yours each night, a dog bed is an essential accessory. While it’s not a necessary item right off the bat, a bed may improve your dog’s enjoyment of its surrounding living space. Just like humans, dogs need their sleep, and that means a comfy bed is important.
Your selection of a bed will depend on three major components: size, comfort level, and the appeal of your home aesthetic. Shapes and sizes of beds vary; a quick search online can locate a dog bed both high-quality and affordable to enhance your dog’s quality of life.
Dog Patches
Traditional dog patches are utilized by service, work, or therapy dogs for identification purposes. These patches are able to be attached to a dog’s harness. If your dog is a blind, deaf, or an emotional support dog, these patches are specifically useful to notify any bystanders or members of the public of their responsibility.
Beyond service dog identification, custom patches can be popular to add to any dog’s harness. Julius-K9 offers custom dog patches you can personalize with a name, relevant information, or a fun phrase—it’s up to you. Create a custom, colorful patch for your furry friend. Once you have a better grasp of your lifestyle with your dog, you can discover more fun accessories beyond the common necessities—to help your pup not only feel special, but home.