Getting Ready for Fall
Getting Ready for Fall
Fall is finally here! Leaves are falling, days are getting shorter and cooler. There are ways we can prepare our dogs for the transition from summer to fall. Here are ways that you can let your dog have a comfortable change.
Walking in the dark
As the days grow shorter, everyday walks may take place in the dark, but daily exercise is important for your dog. To keep your dog safe at night our IDC® Powerharness has reflective elements, which make the dog is highly visible from a long distance at night as well. The Guardian Dog Safety Flash Light can be attached to the harness or collar making your dog visible to you, other dog walkers, as well as drivers.
Living outdoor
Dogs adore being outside and some of them will be perfectly fine being outside day and night; dog breeds like St. Bernards, Huskies, or Bernese Mountain Dogs. Smaller and short-coated dogs are usually kept inside especially at night. If you are planning to keep your dog outside, ensure that they have fresh water and warm shelter.
Make sure that you’re ready for extra bathing and grooming because fall comes with rain and mud, then you have a muddy dog. Keep towels in your car in case your dog jumps into a puddle to keep them from getting cold and keeping your car clean.
Many people decorate their houses and yards with all types of fall-themed decorations. You must be careful because if your dog chews and swallows a piece then you will need to visit your veterinarian and neither you nor your dog wants that. Instead of having decorations on the ground where your dog can reach, decorate the windows, doors, and along your rooflines.
Stay hydrated
Usually, in summer we tend to focus more on staying hydrated than in the cooler months, but it is just as important. Make sure that your dog has fresh water every day and you change it at least once a day but of course, if you see that it is dirty (has bugs in it or leaves) then change it right away. Every couple of days your dog’s bowl should be washed also, with hot water and soap.
Flea and tick prevention
Fleas and ticks are present not only in the spring and summer, but also in the cooler months. These parasites can easily latch onto your dog and cause harm whether or not your dog spends a lot of time outside. As a result, tick and flea treatment should be used on a regular basis.