How-to-Help-Your-Pet-Overcome-the-Back-to-School-Blues Julius-K9 LLC

How to Help Your Pet Overcome the Back-to-School Blues

How to Help Your Pet Overcome the Back-to-School Blues


Parents and students alike when school starts—but it also affects Fido. Don’t fret; here are some tips on helping your pet overcome the back-to-school blues.

When the weather cools down, the kids go back to school and college, the adults work more and vacation less, and the carefree summer days are over—so, your dog may struggle spending a lot more time at home alone. Here are some tips that can help your pet get over the back-to-school blues.

Symptoms to watch out for
  • Develops different eating habits
  • Barks more than usual
  • Sleeps all day
  • Lacks energy
  • Hides
  • Doesn’t want to play or engage
  1. Morning habits
Giving your dog attention in the morning before you leave shows how much you love them and can strengthen your bond. You can walk your dog every morning, play and interact with your dog before leaving, and give them pats on the head.
  1. Play music
Playing music can reduce stress in dogs. There are specific genres that are known to be relaxing—for instance, reggae and soft rock. Before you leave the house, turn on a mellow playlist for your pooch, so they can enjoy the music for a bit.  
  1. Give them a special treat
Before you leave to go to work, or your kids go to school, give your dog a treat or a special chew toy that they can occupy themselves with. Make sure it’s one of their favorites—that way, they’ll have an even better time when you’re gone.
  1. Get another dog or pet
This may not be an option for everyone, which is understandable, but for those who can, consider getting another pet or dog. Having two dogs comes with more work and responsibility—however, they can keep each other company and have lots of fun, resulting in two very happy pups.
  1. Hire a pet sitter or dog walker
Get a dog walker or a pet sitter to help break up the stress and monotony of hours spent alone. You can ask them to check up on your bud for a little bit, take them on a walk, or play fetch with them. Some pets just need a little extra help during the transition.