Police-Dogs-The-History-Behind-These-Dogs Julius-K9 LLC

Police Dogs & The History Behind These Dogs

Police Dogs & The History Behind These Dogs

Most people have seen police dogs on the job, but not many people know the history behind these dogs! Some people may be tempted to look into police dog equipment when they’re looking for a top rated dog harness, but people very rarely take the time to look deeper into their stories. The professionals at Julius-K9 in the US understand that when you’re looking for quality equipment for your dogs, you like to know that it’s able to withstand the test of time and remain durability. That is why they’ve decided to share more insight into these K9 cops’ history. Keep reading to learn more information!

The History Behind the Toughest on the Force-Police Dogs

Not too many people stop to think about K9 cops. They usually only cross their minds when they see them on duty with their human partners. However, if you’ve been in the market for a new top rated dog harness for your furry friend, then you may start wondering about K9s. For instance, what type of equipment do they use, or how did they get started on the police force?

Canines have been working in conjunction with humans since they first became domesticated, but the first known record of a dog being used for police work was in France in the 14th century. However, these dogs were only used as guards for security reasons, but that all changed in 1888 when a dog was put to work the same way they are used now in modern times. The London Police used two bloodhounds to track suspects down by their scent. In the United States, police dogs quickly got the reputation of being attack dogs because they were first used by police in our country as a tactic for riot control. The deep growl of the German Shepherds became a noise for concern. However, over time their roles have shifted, and they’re now mostly used to search for drugs, weapons, and explosives. There are even some dogs that are used for arson investigations. Their sensitive noses can be used to locate fire accelerants. In addition to these roles, there are dogs trained to be cadaver dogs, and they are used to uncover the decomposing remains of a murder victim. 

Due to the increasing importance of their roles in the police force, K9 officers have to go through extensive training, which is sometimes seen to be more intense than the training human officers have to undergo. The dogs are teamed with a human cop, and the two work as a team. In an effort to create a lasting and significant bond between the K9 and human officer, the dog will live with the officer’s family, not only to encourage loyalty and protection of the officer, but this helps make sure that the dog remains sociable, approachable, and friendly. 

Contact Us for the Harness Used by Police Dogs

Julius-K9 in the US is a subsidiary of two European companies that sell the famous top-rated leather dog harness. This was the first brand in the world to make interchangeable patches for the harness. If you’re looking for a top rated dog harness to keep your dog safe on walks or for training, call or visit us today!