Symptoms-to-Never-Ignore-in-Your-Dog Julius-K9 LLC

Symptoms to Never Ignore in Your Dog

Symptoms to Never Ignore in Your Dog


Because your dog cannot tell you whether they are in pain when they are sick or not feeling well, it is your responsibility as a caring dog owner to be aware of any indicators that your dog is ill. If you notice any of these signs, call your veterinarian and schedule an appointment.

Loss of appetite

Loss of appetite in dogs does not always signify a serious illness, but it is vital to seek veterinary help because it could be an indication of serious sicknesses, such as numerous systemic infections or kidney failure. There are several other reasons why dogs refuse to eat, for instance, unfamiliar surroundings or pickiness. So, don’t start to panic immediately, stay calm and call your vet!

Red eyes

Dogs’ eyes are just as sensitive as ours, so they are prone to allergies, irritation, and disease. If you notice your dogs’ eyes being red, swollen then it could either be a minor allergy or what is even more serious, an eye disease. It is important to call the vet if you see your dog scratching or rubbing their face, or you notice discharge.


A cough isn't always a cause for concern, it's important to recognize when you should seek medical attention. When the cough gets worse over time or is persistent, and they have lost their appetite, you should see a veterinarian.

Difficulty urinating

Urination on a regular basis is an indication of a healthy dog. On the other hand, difficulty urinating can be quite unpleasant for your dog and it is a potentially serious symptom that should be treated by your veterinarian.


Tick bites and babesia can cause your dog to have these symptoms. Babesia infections can range in severity from very mild to extremely severe and can potentially be fatal. To prevent your dog from getting babesiosis is by checking them daily for ticks and using tick prevention medication.


Your dog’s leg muscle may have been strained during a hike, dog sports, or bad movement. If this occurs regularly, take your dog the vet because it can also be a sign of dysplasia that needs to be treated.