Taking Your Dog Shopping
Taking Your Dog Shopping
Nowadays more and more people take their dog everywhere they go to be able to spend more time with him, especially if the dog is small and can be carried by hand. Pet stores and many malls now allow dogs and pet owners take that opportunity to bring their pup along.
Only take your pet to the store if he has an easygoing personality and gets along with people and other dogs. If this doesn’t sound like him, it may make him feel uncomfortable in a crowded place and could cause unwanted situations with other people or dogs. Basic training and letting him get used to the environment can ensure that he will become comfortable and have safe shopping experience.
Everyone has their own opinion on this topic, but we will highlight the pros and cons of taking your dog shopping as well as tips for taking him with you.
- You get to spend more time with your dog when you are having a busy week.
- He gets to explore new sights and smells, which can help get him used to the city life and different situations.
- Dogs always put a smile on everyone’s face when they walk by.
- He can make the experience more fun.
- Shopping could take more time.
- You must always pay attention to them.
- Just because your dog knows how to behave, many owners take their dog to crowded places when their dog has bad behavior meaning that they start barking, jumping, pulling, and causing a scene. This can endanger your dog and others.
- Keep him on a short leash and use the IDC® Powerharness, which has a handle (from size XS/Mini-Mini to size 4) that can come in handy when you are in a crowded place. It allows you to control your dog with confidence, lets you stop him, guide him up and down the steps, and get him in or out of the car easily.
- Walk him outside first because accidents can happen and you don’t want one to happen inside.
- Make sure that your dog is comfortable – if he is not used to that environment make sure to give him time because it is a new experience.