Ways-to-Get-Your-Dog-Ready-for-Spring Julius-K9 LLC

Ways to Get Your Dog Ready for Spring

Ways to Get Your Dog Ready for Spring


Flea and tick control 

As the weather gets warmer, your dog will be spending more time outside and it is important that they are protected from parasites. There are many treatments you can apply; flea shampoo, collar, pill, spot on, or our JULIUS-K9® ultrasound tick- and flea repellent. Ticks and fleas are repelled and kept away by this small device, which produces ultrasound at varied frequencies that are above the hearing range of humans and dogs. It is also recommended to check your dog after being outside, usually ticks and fleas can be found around the belly, neck, and tail.  

Safe yard

Many people love spring because of the beautiful blooming flowers, and they get to start planting them around their yard. If you own a dog, it is crucial that you don’t have plants that are toxic to dogs in your yard including, lilies, tulips, ivies, oleanders, and daffodils.

If consumed the following symptoms can occur:

  • upset stomach
  • vomiting
  • drooling
  • sleepy
  • diarrhea 

You must act fast if you suspect your dog has been poisoned by something. As soon as your pet displays indications of illness, contact your veterinarian.

It's a good idea to jot down the facts of anything you suspect your dog has consumed, including when they ate/drank it, how much they swallowed, and any symptoms they've had.

Start brushing 

As a result of temperature change in spring and fall, seasonal shedding occurs. Their coat may appear spotty or uneven at first, but it will level out over time, so don't panic. Grooming your dog on a regular basis is one of the best ways to control excessive shedding in dogs. 

Watch for seasonal allergies 

Inhaled allergens outside and in our homes impact dogs with environmental allergens. Dust, pollen from trees, grass, weeds, and other contaminants fall into this category. The symptoms of skin allergies, food allergies, and environmental allergens can overlap. If you believe that your dog may have allergies, take them to your veterinarian and they will be able to help. 

Signs your dog might be having an allergic reaction:

  • Itchiness
  • Hives
  • Swelling of the face, ears, lips, eyelids, or earflaps
  • Red, inflamed skin
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Sneezing

Source: https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/dog-allergies-symptoms-treatment/