Working Dogs: Most Common Jobs for Dogs and What They Do
Dogs are man's best friend, and a true friend is more than just a companion. All dogs have the instincts to get to work and help their favorite people. And like people, each dog is best cut out for a different career, depending on its breed and personality.
We see working dogs constantly—some work at the fire station, while others herd livestock on the farm. Canines fill all sorts of jobs, but before you put yours to work, make sure it fulfills the career requirements. Gather more information on what your pup can do by reading about the most common jobs for dogs and what they do.
Service Dogs
It's not uncommon for people to confuse service dogs with therapy dogs, but service animals receive special training to assist individuals with disabilities. Because these pooches guide those with visual impairments or watch for seizures, they're allowed to accompany their handler anywhere.
Keep in mind that every dog isn't cut out to become a service animal, as the job requires ample patience and dedication. These pups have an even temperament and don't allow distractions to deter them from assisting their owner.
Therapy Dogs
Unlike service dogs, those trained for therapeutic services cannot go everywhere with their owner. However, these dogs still need to be patient and compassionate because it's their duty to bring people comfort. Some individuals train their dogs for this job then bring them to hospitals, retirement homes, and even schools to offer emotional support.
Where They're Similar
One similarity you'll find in both job descriptions is both service and therapy dogs must be well-socialized, even-tempered, and unafraid of strangers. Likewise, both doggy career paths require a fair amount of training to keep the pooch ready to work.
Detection Dogs
These pups learn to sniff for specific substances, ranging from drugs to explosives. Various canine professions have detection training such as:
- Tracking dogs
- Firehouse dogs
- Police dogs
- Military dogs
Some detection dogs learn to track down lost individuals, but they can also sniff for cancer or shifts in blood sugar levels. Service dogs trained for seizure alert must undergo some similar training courses.
Teaching these dogs how to do their job can take a lot of time; they need to pass a skills exam, and their handlers need special equipment. Shop at Julius K9 for working dog harnesses, leashes, and bite toys to make training easier!
Firehouse Dogs
We often associate dalmatians with firefighters because this breed has long since been the mascot for the firehouse, thanks to history. In the early days, dalmatians fearlessly ran alongside horse-drawn carriages. Eventually, the firefighters used the breed for help—the dog would sound the alarm by barking as the wagon moved down the street.
Police Dogs
This is another common job for a dog, and often we see German shepherds in this career field. K-9s go through rigorous training to assist their handler. Sometimes, this means tracking down missing persons, but other times, they chase down criminals. Depending on what's needed, the K-9 may even learn to sniff out and recognize different substances for drug detection.
Military Dogs
Many of us may not think of dogs running alongside military professionals, but these pups can offer quite a bit of help on necessary tasks. For example, military dogs help track explosives or scout the area. But that's not all, because dogs working this job also assist on search and rescue missions! Thanks to their talented tracking skills, they can pick up the scent of a missing person and help track them down.
Search-and-Rescue Dogs
While search-and-rescue could be part of the job description, it's also a career field. Handlers use these highly qualified pups to search the area when someone goes missing. Typically, labradors, golden retrievers, border collies, and German shepherds thrive in this field because it requires great agility and a sense of smell.
Herding Dogs
Some dogs help individuals carry out daily tasks, while others fearless protect us, and some help keep an eye on livestock. On a farm, herding dogs keep sheep, cattle, and other animals in line. To any onlookers, it seems like this type of pooch simply barks and chases livestock around, but that's not entirely true. A herding dog must corral farm animals and ensure they don't stray too far.
Tracking Dogs
Some pooches herd, and others hunt. And while hunting is an instinct for all canines, that doesn't necessarily mean any can do this job. Dogs like setters, retrievers, and spaniels help hunt down prey. Some sighthounds have superior vision and have an easier time chasing down prey, but scent hounds track the smell.
Delivery Dogs
A delivery dog is essential in some areas. Sleigh dogs, for instance, help carry food, medicine, and other essentials to people living in snowy regions. In addition, there are various movies depicting sled dogs that helped save the day— like Togo's story.
Entertainment Dogs
All canine jobs are equally as important because each serves a different function, and dogs that work in the entertainment industry are as important as any other. Dogs working the entertainment industry may be:
- Show dogs: These pups show off their beauty and fun talents.
- Mascots: Some businesses and schools prefer canine representation.
- Movie stars: Some pooches fit the bill for fame and fortune.
It's worth noting that while these dogs don't require the same training as rescue or herding dogs, a lot of work goes into the job. Often show dogs must show off special skills and obedience to their human companion. Likewise, doggy-movie stars need to learn new tricks for their role and could encounter various situations.
There's a job for just about every dog. The loving, protective dog could make the perfect guard dog for the family, while a fearless retriever could do search-and-rescue. Other dogs thrive in the limelight and even make it to the big screen in Hollywood. For high-quality dog equipment, shop at Julius K9! Training becomes a breeze when you have the appropriate gear for your pup.
By understanding the most common jobs for dogs and what they do, you can give your pooch something to do rather than become a couch potato. Before jumping into a training class, check out some tips on training a working dog so you remain prepared! The more you engage your canine's instincts, the more inclined they are to be a well-behaved member of the family.